

  • Type '? application.StartupPath' without quotes and press enterģ. Same can be also be accessed through View > Immediate WindowĤ. If Immediate Window is not visible, type CTRL+G. Excel folder contains XLSTART folder in itself (In case, your XLSTART path is not in Appdata)ģ. Note - If the above...
    Implemented fix for VMware Windows Registry error: The Registry value for 'Enable VMware Client Shade' will now only be set if the active configuration explicitly says so (see new setting in SEB Config Tool / Registry / 'Set VMware configuration'.Should fix issues when using SEB-Moodle Deeper...
    The same container that a developer builds and tests on a laptop can run at scale, in production, on VMs, bare metal, OpenStack clusters, public clouds and more. We’ll go through a complete Proxmox install, and at last, we will compare LXC vs Docker. Docker( is an open-source project to easily...
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